Frequently Asked Questions

PVGRAd is an innovative service for the solar energy industry and we understand that many aspects must be explained in detail.

In this section you will find answers about the PVGRAd service itself. As well as  instructions on how to fill out the service order form.

"We adapt our service to your needs"

No terrain is too complex



Empresas de instalaciones fotovoltaicas e ingenieros solares

Who is PVGRAd for?

Project Developers The required information to make project decisions at the right time. We analyze the impact of earthwork on your project in the preliminary

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The range of results extracted from the virtual model of your Project includes very useful information for the procurement and construction planning phases.

For example, PVGRAd provides the pile procurement tables sorted by steel section and total length that will be necessary in your Project. PVGRAd groups sections and lengths into ‘pile families’ based on the criteria you select, thus reducing the total number of different pile families to manage on site, or increasing the number of pile families for steel optimization.

It also provides location maps to for the distribution of piles in the field prior to their installation, facilitating the effective planning of the block construction sequence and the flow of materials on site.

The downloads section of our website includes several examples of results and analysis reports, surfaces, pile lists, export files for production simulations, etc.

You will also find technical white papers with more details about PVGRAd and the optimization process.

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The current version of PVGRAd does not include energy production analysis.

However, we can export the 3D geometry of the Project in SHD format file for analysis in other specific programs.

The optimal 3D solar tracking algorithm avoids mutual shading and maximizes plant production, independently for each tracker.

The orientation tables of each tracker can be input in the Control System (SCADA) of the plant in operation phase to maximize production.

Documentation and Downloads

Access our section with documentation to download and utilities to enjoy our service. In our section you can obtain information to fill out the order form and get a deeper insight about our solar plant design processes and optimization services.