Who is PVGRAd for?

Empresas de instalaciones fotovoltaicas e ingenieros solares

Project Developers

The required information to make project decisions at the right time. We analyze the impact of earthwork on your project in the preliminary stages of the conceptual design, optimizing the layout of the photovoltaic plant to avoid implementations in specific areas in which the construction cost would be higher than the long-term financial return. We anayze different types of solar trackers to determine the most appropriate one for your project. Evaluate possible scenarios for optimization and minimize environmental impact. We provide optimized steel design and minimum steel weights to maximize project LCOE. Know the construction cost before bidding, and include construction tolerances in the design.

EPC firms in Tender Phase

Minimum construction cost for your bid. Reduce your risks by knowing the earthwork volume. We provide you with detailed studies of the project so that you have all the necessary data and can bid safely. The proposed preliminary earthwork design will be the most competitive, thanks to the automatic optimization process, without investing in endless hours of engineering. With a buildable design.

EPC firms in the project Construction Phase

Digitalize your construction process to avoid errors and optimize schedule. We provide you with digital models of the plant obtained from civil designs that include construction tolerances. 3D surfaces for numerically controlled graders and pile drivers. Geo-referenced coordinate listings for automatic installation of tracker piles. Pile distribution maps with piles sorted by families for filed logistics optimization. Pile procurement tables. All information available before mobilizing, so that construction planning and can be accurate.

Consulting and Engineering Firms

Implement PVGRAdTM designs in your project documentation. We provide you with 3D surfaces with the optimized proposed grading of the solar plant, so that you can use it in your construction documentation. Avoid hours of iterative design and 3D surface modeling with the certainty that the design proposed to your clients is the best possible and perfectly buildable, and with the tracker typology that your client has selected.

Financial entities

The certainty of a complete technical Due Diligence. We analyze the feasibility of constructing projects in complex locations and help you evaluate the expected construction costs under various plant design parameters. PVGRAdTM allows us to simulate multiple scenarios and confirm the real CAPEX range versus Installed Capacity of the project, thus limiting financial risks. With our services, you will reduce project uncertainties in sites with complex topography using advanced 3D design algorithms applied to the technical Due Diligence process.